Online Edition

The Draconis festival is back this year for an online edition on April 4-5-6, 2025! Join the Discord server today.

Here are the key dates:

  • February: Event Submission
  • March: Event Registration
  • April 4th: Day 1 
  • April 5th: Day 2 
  • April 6th: Day 3 


Registration for the Draconis Festival is now open! To do so, visit our Tabletop Events platform. Whether you’re applying for a booth, sponsoring the festival, submitting role-playing scenarios, registering for games, buying merchandise or volunteering! To help you along the way, we’ve created a series of videos to explain each step.

Here are the key dates:

  • August 1st: Registration on Tabletop Events
  • August 9th: Booth and Sponsorship Applications
  • August 12th: Game, LARP and/or Panel Submission
  • September 2nd: Volunteer Recruitment
  • September 18th: Game Registration
  • October 18th 6pm to 11pm: Day 1 :draconis:
  • October 19th 9am to 11pm: Day 2 :draconis:
  • October 20th 9am to 6pm: Day 3 :draconis:


2 weeks ago

Festival Draconis
Festival Draconis's cover photo ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Festival Draconis
Le festival Draconis sera de retour cette année les 4-5-6 avril 2025 pour une édition en ligne! Mettez la date à votre agenda et rejoignez le Discord dès maintenant :👉 les MJ, panélistes, exposants et exposantes, commencez déjà à réfléchir à ce que vous voulez offrir pendant le festival parce que les soumissions d’événements ouvriront dans quelques semaines.On a hâte de vous retrouver!***The Draconis festival is back this year for an online edition on April 4-5-6, 2025! Save the date and join the Discord server today:👉, panelists and exhibitors, you might want to start thinking about what you want to offer during the festival because event submissions will open in a few weeks.We can't wait to see you there! ... See MoreSee Less
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About Draconis Festival

Draconis Festival is the biggest role-playing game event of Quebec. It offers more than a hundred role-playing game sessions for beginners or advanced players. Offered games go from classics like Dungeons & Dragons and Call of Cthulhu to the latest independent local role-playing game. The festival is held two times a year. Online on Discord in Winter and in person at the CÉGEP du Vieux-Montréal in Fall. In any case, the event is totally free and open to all the diversity.

The organization team is made entirely of volunteers and the role-playing games are offered by members of our excellent community.


  • Cégep du Vieux Montréal
    255 Ontario Street East, Montreal, Quebec
    H2X 1X6

    Paid indoor parking is available at the CÉGEP if necessary.

    For any question, please don't hesitate to send us an email at